Why the Parks Foundation of Palm Beach County needs your support?
Support the Parks Foundation today!

The Why as in what are we trying to change:
As the county prioritizes funding for increased demands and cost of transportation infrastructure, emergency services, and affordable housing etc., there is rising demand for new park spaces, improved amenities, and more funding to rebuild aging park infrastructure. The Parks and Recreation Department is committed to providing an outstanding park system for its residents, but given the current economy and funding priorities, the department’s focus is to secure sufficient funding resources to provide and maintain basic park standards and minimum levels of service falling short of exceptional.
The How we will do it:
Nationwide, smart communities are turning to public/private partnerships in the form of park foundations to fill the gap between taxpayer dollars and the need to build and maintain an extraordinary park system. To benefit our residents and county as a whole, the Parks Foundation and Parks Department will partner together to address programs that elevate our offerings. Park Foundation signature projects will address for example: Health and wellbeing, creating a greater sense of belonging, enhancing neighborhoods and experiences, economic vitality and destination tourism in parks, and fostering thriving communities. The Parks Foundation of Palm Beach County is dedicated to providing the much needed funding for park amenities and programs that are hard to fund with limited tax dollars, but which elevate your parks system to the exceptional level for all.

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